An Incident At Mirage Avenue

Junie Byo

Author's Note: I don't remember faces that well. To be fair, I don't often look at people in the face either so its no wonder I don't remember them. I'm used to not being able to remember people I've gone to classes with, but im afraid one day I'll begin forgetting people that are actually important to me. Just another reason to not want to grow old, i guess...the way I'm going i'll definitely develop dementia or something. That thought terrifies me. If you have any feedbacks or comments or idk if you ever wanna reach out you can do so by writing to my email: juniebyowriting@gmail.com

I arrived at the airport an hour ago. I parked the closest I could to gate 3. A brisk, leisurely walk later I had arrived at the gate. It was 2 pm.

As I stood there, I looked around and saw a lady's tearful reunion with her husband, parents hugging their kids goodbye, friends dapping each other up. Amongst all the tears and smiles I stood and awaited my own reunion with my parents.

Its been 15 years since I saw them, and 5 since I last spoke to them. Out of the blue, my father texted me last Thursday, telling me he has booked plane tickets to Vancouver.

I had lots of questions but I chose, instead, to ask him what time their flight will get here. I figured I'll ask everything I needed to when they got here.

2:15 he replied.

The clock had just struck 2:10 pm. I put my hands in my pocket only for my excitement to travel to my feet. I began lightly rocking back and forth. The plane will land in 5 more minutes, it would take maybe 45 more minutes for them to show up.

Right then a thought dawned on me. I felt dread pour into me